ScriptBot 2.1 is in the works.

Just a quick post, telling everyone that a new version of ScriptBot is in the works, version 2.1.

So far, we’ve done the first xplugin -> bundled plugin conversion in ScriptBot’s short history, as well as added some little features that make a big impact, such as NickServ identifying, configurable connection port, configuration for whether to join on invite, and more features are of course on the way, in order to make this one of the biggest releases for ScriptBot (aside from 2.0, the massive rewrite).

I hope to also make ScriptBot available in the Fedora repositories, starting with version 2.1, but I’ll need assistance with packaging (see my earlier post on packaging ScriptBot). If anyone is willing to help, that’d be great. Just come on over to #bots on OKSnet. The current roadblock, as mentioned in the post, is packaging a library we use, written in Java, called PircBot.

Why Mac OS X Server can’t be taken seriously.

Mac OS X Server just can’t be taken seriously. Why?

A couple things:

  1. It can’t be run on commodity hardware, it has to be on a Mac.
  2. It can’t be virtualized.
  3. It doesn’t have server virtualization solutions designed to run on it.

To further that, Apple seems to take NO interest in virtualization. I haven’t seen one peep out of them about it. They simply sell desktop-class virtualization products in their store.

So if Apple wants to MAN UP and write some virtualization stuff, then they can be taken seriously.

I mean really. Virtualization is taking the world by storm, and Apple, the company that is supposed to be all hip and such is not participating. Every single product on the current Macintosh line supports hardware virtualization. Apple does nothing with that fact.

It’s sad. Just sad.

Fedora 12 Constantine

Yes, Fedora 12, Constantine has been released.  This release is focused on reinforcing stability, as well as making the desktop easier for new users. I’m hosting a release party on IRC, #Main on

You can read the new features in Fedora 12 on this wiki page:

Class curves? Get rid of them!

I don’t know about you, but in our school, if everyone does bad, the grades of everyone are adjusted. I can understand that the teachers want students to do better in school, but this is NOT the way to do it.

Class curves are intended to raise students’ grades above the fail line. Many students see this as a way of slacking off. We’re not talking about just one student slacking off, we’re talking about hundreds of students failing the class and hoping for a bailout from students. Class curves inspire students to slack off, not do better in school. Here’s why:

The moment that students hear that the class has a curve, many of them are inspired to slack off. They know that, even if they do bad, their grades will automatically improve by a few percent and not look as bad. Everyone starts failing, and then the teacher doesn’t want students to fail, so a curve is introduced to bump up everyone’s grades.

I like to compare this with lowering the standard. Allowing students with a D average to pass. Admitting students with a 2.0 GPA to get in college. We’re lowering the standard by arbitrarily raising everyone’s grades. Get rid of this!

In the library completely out.

Yep. I’ve been at my school library all day. It sucks. My legs are sour, I can’t stand it. Oh well. 10 more minutes until freedom.

First it was a test, and now our entire class is in the library.

At the beginning I thought this was going to be fun. But no… The only time we stepped out of the library was to get lunch.

Anyways, I’m about to fall asleep and I can’t wait to get out.