CSS Transforms in Firefox 3.1 and first C4T3G0R1Z3D post

There’s a lot of new things in Firefox 3.1, which is set to be released sometime in the first quarter of 2009. There’s plenty of new features. So, here is one of the new features. Take a look at this box:

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Snow in Seattle 2008

Around here, in the great city of Seattle, we have snow as I write this.

Seattle doesn’t get snow very often. So I’m excited that we got some. More is predicted to come on Wednesday. So enjoy the snow on my blog. If you’re on an iPhone or iPod touch, the snow is disabled due to performance issues. I will enable it on a dedicated snow page.

Lighttpd may speed things up for us

Lighttpd is known for how lightweight it is and its ability to handle thousands of requests per second, and Lighttpd powers sites like The Pirate Bay, YouTube, Imageshack, Webkinz, and a host of others. So I thought I would give lighttpd a spin.
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Just another case of walmart shopperism

I was watching the news bored out of my mind when I saw a report that made me lmao, feel pessimistic, angry, and depressed at the same time. Apparently, at a Wal-Mart, a bunch of impatient shoppers stampeded the Walmart on Black Friday, and broke down the doors and trampled a worker to death. I laughed because that is just funny as hell, I was pessimistic, because … well… just look at the title. I felt depressed, because I never thought anyone could be that selfish and stupid, and angry obviously at the idiot shoppers.

More details here.