Around here, in the great city of Seattle, we have snow as I write this.
Seattle doesn’t get snow very often. So I’m excited that we got some. More is predicted to come on Wednesday. So enjoy the snow on my blog. If you’re on an iPhone or iPod touch, the snow is disabled due to performance issues. I will enable it on a dedicated snow page.
The snow on your blog just makes it so much slower. Just what we needed 🙁
I got three inches of snow. I bet that your blog will get so covered in digital snow that it will freeze over.
At our place, there’s a huge hill. Last year, my dad drove down it and his car spun 720 degrees out of control. He was lucky not to crash.
Thank me that I haven’t turned on the snow that piles up at the bottom. I will make a greasemonkey script if you want to disable the snow.
mmkay, I decided to make snow control in the sidebar so you can stop the snow. (It clears the snow off the screen)
the white area on your blog makes it seem that the snow disappears. what you should do is change it to a grayish color (web-safe, of course).
you should also make the snow pile up on the “dedicated snow page”. What would be really funny is that when the snow piles to the top of the screen, you should somehow make it come out the monitor or screen of whoever is viewing it 😀 . I’m just making this up.
You may want to merge this post with the “So much snow!” post.