Fedora Activity Day – Fedora Talk (Day 1)

Day One of the Fedora Talk Activity day is over.

Here’s some very quick wrapping up:

  • Icecast streaming is now working pretty decently, however the current test server is in… Germany. (http://publictest16.fedoraproject.org:8000/test.ogg)
  • Improvements on documentation, generally on the web site.
  • Troubleshooting tests are underway.
  • More “ghetto HTML” and such funnies.
  • People thinking my bag o’ chips is popcorn.

Things will continue tomorrow at I don’t know what time. I didn’t hear that part.

The conference has taken place on talk.fedoraproject.org, extension 2001.

Happy 4th of July!

It’s the 4th of July, a holiday celebrated for the independence of The United States of America. Lets go over what all the authors at OKS Blog are doing:

So have a safe & fun holiday, from all of us here at OKS Blog!

Black Friday Shopping

On Friday, my dad and I went to Wal-Mart at 7:30 Friday morning.

Upon arriving at Wal-Mart, there was a line stretching for about 500 feet. We waited for thirty minutes just to get in the door.

When we got inside, the store was less crowded than I expected. We went to the Electronics section to look for a Toshiba laptop. Unfortunately, both the Toshiba and the HP laptops were completely out. Considering that the store opened at 5A.M. and everybody was buying TVs, it was reasonable that they sold out. We did however buy a GPS and a HP printer.

Along with the two electronics, we bought a few kitchen supplies. My mom didn’t like them, so the next day, we returned the items.

The return line that day was practically as long as the waiting line the previous day. It seemed that everyone was so dissatisfied by the products there. Some people were even returning TVs!

That’s all I have to say.

Peace out.


An exciting week: pie eating contest, 3 plates of pasta in a sitting

This has been an exciting week. I’m going to begin at the first big thing.

On Tuesday, I won a pie eating contest supported by the ASB. The pie was lemon (bleh!), but I still won! Hopefully I can get a video up (if people who videoed me in the contest cooperate) so until then, just believe me. Oh and I was still hungry.

On Thursday at dinner, I shoveled ~ 3 plates of pasta into my stomach. After that, I was still hungry. Take that! I did feel my stomach stretch out to make room for the food.

So anywho, it has been an exciting eating week.

Drinking Coke with Hot Tamales?

Would someone really drink Coke with Hot Tamales? At my school, yes!

I am here to report something that happened at my lunch table.

Apparently, this one kid by the name of Eric put about twenty hot tamales into a full can of soda. Then, another guy, Ethan, took a sip of it and he could barely stand the spiciness. Then, another kid by the name of Tyrone took the can of soda and chugged it down like he hadn’t drunk in four days. His reaction wasn’t that bad, considering that Ethan had a flush-red face after just sipping a little bit.

I am Deathgleaner, and will report any future things that happen at my school.

Peace out,
