Lighttpd may speed things up for us

Lighttpd is known for how lightweight it is and its ability to handle thousands of requests per second, and Lighttpd powers sites like The Pirate Bay, YouTube, Imageshack, Webkinz, and a host of others. So I thought I would give lighttpd a spin.
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TextMate as a Blogging tool

Apparently, I can use TextMate for blogging. It works out pretty good, although for you weaklings who need WYSIWYG, not so good. But since I have a good enough understanding of HTML, I can use it. in fact, TextMate is what I’m using to write this very blog post. and possibly others.

In other news, OKSW is now closed up so you don’t see the horrendous PHP error that was there. So, read my page explaining the problem.

This about wraps up this post.