Winblows Live Search

I have been looking in my logs for my web server and I was  doing a WHOIS on some of the IPs. A particular block  of IPs, that belong to m$ load my website. Turns out Winblows Live  indexes my website. Google does not though.

Proof: I searched for ‘ onekopakaspace’ on Live Search and Google. Here are the results pages:

Live Search


UPDATE: The reason Google doesn’t crawl my site is because they don’t have FreeDNS DNS entries. Unfortunately, I only have FreeDNS subdomains.

So, add a comment if you want Google to retrieve FreeDNS DNS entries! (If you don’t, explain in a lengthy 2 paragraph comment that has no grammar or spelling errors)

Reading the Apple Public Source License

I was going through the Apple Public Source License as I was cleaning it and spacing it to fit more appropriately. Here are some snippets:

You acknowledge that the Covered Code is not intended for use in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation, communication systems, or air traffic control machines in which case the failure of the Covered Code could lead to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage.

Kind of strange.

Any litigation or other dispute resolution between You and Apple relating to this License shall take place in the Northern District of California.

Home field advantage!

MobileMe – Is it gonna be here. ever?

MobileMe from Apple, the replacement for .Mac, is failing right now. You can’t use the web apps. But you can use SMTP and IMAP from Mail. iDisk doesn’t work, Galleries work, Web Pages supposedly don’t work.

UPDATE: Web Pages DO work. Here is a sample I just published.

UPDATE 2: You can access the webapps but right now they fail.

UPDATE 3: The webapps are a bit better now, but still have issues.

25 year old BSD bug and 33 year old Unix Bug

This is really pretty old. There is a 25 year old BSD bug.

it’s filed as rdar://problem/5923005 for the special Apple crowd with access to Radar reports.

The technical description of this bug is here.

There is also a 33 year old UNIX bug. It’s a buffer overflow bug. It’s technical description is here. As far as I know, there is no Radar report. But I wouldn’t know.

Digging away the moments that make up a dull day

Due to some stupid error, now I can’t use /index.php/year/month/day/post-name URLs. WordPress just gives me it’s internal 404.

I am working on this bug and hope to have it fixed by the end of the day.

UPDATE: I had to go to 2.6-beta1 from my Time Machine Backup. Now we can use those kinds of URLs again.

I hope that this brings attention to WordPress developers, so they can fix this problem.

After much research, this bug also would affect us if we used /year/month/day/post-name.

Big Lots! fails with POS systems but Liquidation World don’t

I was at Big Lots, and I walked up to the register because the rest of my family was gonna leave.

The POS failed!

Upon scanning a DVD, the POS and Windows FAILS!

When I got there, which was after the fail, it was on the screen without the window that is shown when you’re logging on with Windows XP Pro

Then, my dad attempts to blame my mom for ‘scanning her card too early’.

But everyone knows that it’s Microsuck’s fault.

Liquidation World doesn’t though, their POS systems run a Red Hat derivative. See how smart some people are finally becoming.

LG Chocolate from Verizon Reviewed

I got my LG Chocolate on Saturday by FedEx.

Since then, I have only added music and copied some videos to it.

On to the actual review.

It’s somewhat less locked down then the RAZR in a couple ways:

  • No requirement of Windows Media Player to add songs.
  • Ability to add videos.
  • Ability to send pictures over Bluetooth

But it’s also a bit more locked down in one way:

To change the proxy you MUST edit a hex file.

I think that is REALLY REALLY annoying.

Also, we switched to WordPress’s widget system, instead of K2’s because K2’s was all f’d up.