Apparently, as some sort of project, I’m required to report progress in a blog-type deal in my Computer Science II class. So that’s why you may see various posts. Yep. Have fun with that everyone.
VMware ESXi
I recently installed VMware ESXi on my abandoned server, as it would not start any GNU/Linux distribution for some strange reason (during udev startup.)
ESXi installed quick and set up easily. Set the password and configure the IP and I could let it be, physical access wise.
From there, I simply installed the management software, VMware vSphere Client. Then, I deployed a Virtual Appliance for fun. After downloading, right from the management software, the appliance was ready for me to play with within minutes.
From there, I sent an ISO to the server and installed a Debian 5 virtual machine. I also used the physical server’s DVD drive to install OpenSUSE 11.
You can also take VMware Workstation virtual machines to your server effortlessly.
Right now, I’m setting up the Mobile Access appliance, but the server is on a 10mbit switch and a weak wireless connection, so it takes time to send the disk.
Overall, I give a recommendation for ESXi if you have a brand new server and want to virtualize. It’s free from VMware’s website:
the iPhone 4 is something!
I was in the Apple Store when I decided to try out the iphone 4. After all, what else is there to do in the apple store? Yes, I know there’s a lot, especially for those of you who take a million pictures of yourselves on the iMac cameras ( you know who you are. )
Anyways, the iPhone 4 immediately caught my attention. At first glance I did not believe my eyes. It was something! And something quite a world apart from the previous iPhone model. The first things I noticed were-
- its glossy oleophobic screen (which I tested)
- the awesome new rounded rectangular body
- the complementing metal siding and buttons
- the retina display
Just to test Apple’s claims about the magic oleophobic screen, I smudged my fingerprints all over the iPhone (something I would never do on my phone) then I wiped it against my shirt. BAM. Fingerprints gone. No streak marks. That was something.
It felt so nice to hold. Maybe because it wasn’t in such a weird shape like the previous iPhone model.
Then came the controversial retina display. I put my eyes as close to the iPhone as I could without risking them falling into my eye sockets. Sure enough Apple’s claims were right… Again. I could not distinguish the individual pixels. One color merged seamlessly into the other. Lines and text were crisp and sharp. I was blown away again.
it doesn’t stop there though. The touchscreen felt renewed under the glass surface of the iPhone. the iPhone worked seamlessly, no jumps or breaks. The touch functionality was effortless. Its five megapixel camera was stunning, but of course will not replace a regular camera.
Yes, the iPhone 4 is Amazing beyond belief but there are some things I would like to point out. The multitasking involves going from one application through the home screen to get to another app, instead of simply jumping from app to app (maybe its something I missed…) The other funny thing is that you can see the individual pixels quite clearly in apps not built for the retina display. Also, I don’t know if this is just me, but does the iPhone lose its wifi signal when you hold it in a certain fashion?
I didn’t try calling anyone so I can’t day anything about its antenna issues.
On the plus side the iPhone 4 supports tethering (F*CK YEA.) and customizable backgrounds.
would I get it?
if I wasn’t going to call anybody, antenna issues aside… YES! It is absolutely amazing. Great for business. Great for the casual. Great gift. I don’t know about communication via phone, but it seems like even phone calls are getting old fashioned.
For $300, this is major bang for your buck. but make sure you try before you buy.
P.s. I did not try the FaceTime feature and I can’t figure out how to download apps from the app store.
Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
The Great Sand Dunes of Colorado
More adventures are happening on my trip, as mentioned in my previous blog post.
I went to the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado today, right after it rained, so the sand wouldn’t be thrown into the air.
I also wrote “” in the sand.
A picture is included.
Tonight, I’m staying at the Columbine Inn in my own loft, but it’s hotter than hell, and there’s no AC.
Salt Lake
Today, I waded in The Great Salt Lake here in Utah. The island, Antelope Island has a supposedly soft sand beach. NOT TRUE! Walking out to the actual beach is painful, and difficult to return from, as you’re walking up a hill that’s made of sand you sink easily in.
After, we looked at the Ranch on Antelope Island, which was started in the 1800s, and continued to operate until 1981, and is Utah’s longest operating ranch.
Then, we proceeded to visit downtown Salt Lake City, where we visited the Church of Latter Day Saints. Its tallest spire stands 210 ft, with a golden statue of an angel atop it, and walls at the bottom of the church stand 9ft thick.
Tomorrow’s adventure is to go to the Great Sand Dunes.
The PT Cruiser is dead!
Yesterday, Chrysler had announced that they had ceased production of the PT Cruiser, or as many people like to call it, the PT Loser.
The PT Cruiser was rather popular at its launch, however has steadily declined. The PT Cruiser is hated for a great many problems, such as its gas mileage.
The PT Loser is classified as a “subcompact” car, however, gets worse gas mileage than a full size car. One of the reasons you would ever buy a subcompact car is to get better gas mileage. Seriously, Chrysler should not have let the PT Loser be so inefficient for its size.
Another important point is that the PT Loser is an unsafe vehicle, especially the convertible. In the convertible, there is a single bar across the vehicle (above the passengers), that if removed, the car would not be able to hold itself together. Talk about poor design.
So let us rejoice that this horrible vehicle is no longer being spewed out to terrorize the world.
4th of July !
No, I’m not in New York or Boston or Singapore, I’m sitting at home in bed in my home town of Seattle.
Every year our neighbors celebrate with a gigantic party of 50 adults and a swarm of children. They run more than a fireworks party. It’s a huge social hour complete with beer, toy trucks for the kids, and even an outdoor movie screen. After walking around our entire neighborhood this night, I’m pretty sure we have the largest July4 party for miles around.
Good news this year is that there were no spontaneous fires (read last year’s post and my blog post for details.)
Bad news this year is that it’s RAINY which kind of spoils the fun. NOT. The rain ain’t gonna stop our neighborhood from partying till midnight. In fact, I think the crowds are bigger this year.
I always remember the Fourth of July. It’s one of those highlights of the year that you can’t miss.
Happy 4th of July, 2010.
Ah, yes. Summer. No school, sunny weather, freedom. Let’s just scratch the sunny weather part.
Continue reading “Happy 4th of July, 2010.”
Maple Valley Days 2010
Today, Maple Valley Days in 2010 wrapped up. Bear Metal, also known as The Tahoma Robotics Club, had the opportunity to participate in the parade for another year, as well as have a booth again.
This year, we brought all three of our remaining robots, Catalyst, Bearenstein, and Odyssey.
Oh, hello funnel clouds.
This Friday, June 4th, there were reports of funnel clouds in Monroe. Yes, funnel clouds in Washington. Here are some pictures of such:
These images were provided by viewers of KIRO-TV.
This is a complete twist of the weather we had been seeing earlier this year. We’re in for a cold summer.